• Public Art coming to a Corner near you?

    By Staff
    September 23, 2015

    Public Art coming!

     Public Hearing: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 AT 6:30 P.M.





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    Source: City of Johns Creek



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    Robert B.

    Ma, whose that strange man on the corner?


    Most of it looks like scrap metal spray painted. This art belongs in an urban city. Not a residential upscale community like Johns Creek.


    Just plain ugly!!

    Marcia & John Grimsley

    Too wierd and modern for John's Creek, I love the idea of public art, but these pieces are avante garde to the extreme. Can we see some other options?

    Debbie Duncan

    I have concerns with these being placed in medians of major JC roadways. There are already far too many distracted drivers as it is. Placing these in such locations is a recipe for disaster.


    Wierd and very uninspiring. Looks West Coast rather than famy oriented Johns Creek. Please provide other options.


    I find that indian machete with the christian cross offensive!


    Have to agree with many of the above comments, not attractive and doesn't match the looks of our community


    I agree with above. I love art but most of these are not that inspiring.

    Kristina JC Reisdent

    Seargent and Crossington-- that statue would be HIT-- This roundabout is a disaster-- in the rain at night those that do not know the intersection WRECK. Its been driven over multiple times.

    As to the statues-- I agree these are a bit too distracting for drivers and do not fit the JC image. The cross in the Tomahawk IS OFFENSIVE to many cultures.

    THINK again JC-- we need our tax money spent for more important projects.

    Auntie M

    Kinda copycat. Sandy Springs has it's turtles, Norcross has its Thrasher Park loaded with artworks, Alpharetta has its scarecrows, Windward has its own artworks, too.Johns Creek needs something fresh and new.

    Carole Madan

    It would be wonderful if someone would purchase the land at the corner of Old Alabama and Jones Bridge. We could create a park for Johns Creek that would highlight our lovely natural world as well as the sculptures. As a Master Naturalist, Master Gardener and native plant expert I would be happy to help design trails. HUGE TAX WRITE OFF!!!

    Momma Nature
    Former President of the Doublegate Garden Club


    Funny how taxpayer money buys this art when no private entity will spend their own money on it.


    I don't like any of them.


    Will this STUPID madness ever stop?!
    How do we stop this?


    Looks like our property tax increase should cover about 1/2 of that fine art work. We can tap the reserves to finish the job.



    Out of character for our community.


    The mayor is out of character for this area. All this urbanism, apts and now modern art is coming from him. Stop trying to make JC what we are not!


    Don't forget the District! We need a mini buckhead in tech park and be a downtown of choice! What we have going now isn't good enough or sustainable for us. Well start with stop wasting taxpayer money!


    I agree with you Michael, 100% The mayor made a comment at one of the city council meetings saying if people did not think he was doing the job right they could just vote him out. I can hardly wait. He continues to create HIS vision for what HE thinks JC needs to be, which is not in keeping with what drew people to JC in the first place.
    I just hope he leaves before he does too much more damage. Bob Gray and Lenny Z are the only present council members that are not the mayors little "yes men/women".

    Old Truth Teller

    What is the budgeted amount? Not only acquisition, but installation and maintenance!

    Our traffic stinks, our parks lacking, but we have budget for art that is not marketable in the private sector.

    At least the new round of council members will have something new to run on!


    Art is great. It needs to be relevant, and congruent with all of Johns Creek though. How could a government that rules the color, size, distance, location, and material of every single object in our midst consider placing this stuff throughout the city? Makes no sense. Can we have some other choices that capture the history or spirit of our community please? P.S. Two people have commented to me that one of the sculptures looks like an activity not on the pg viewing list.

    Old Truth Teller

    Yep the red, blue, green and purple one. Hit me immediately. It will be the joke of JC. "yes, just turn right at the hunk of metal that looks.... and the subdivision is on the right"


    These are all AWFUL! I don't want to be forced to look at them, especially the phallic symbol! They are too urban, incongruous with our town, and uninspiring. And these just add to the visual pollution of our city. Have you seen the intersection of Haynes Bridge and Old Alabama or traveled toward Medlock from that intersection? It's ugly with all the utility poles, lines, yellow turn blockades, directional traffic signs, guard rails, hand rails, etc. Plant a nice tree that will not have to be pruned because of utility lines instead!


    Out of all these sculptures, based on the pictures, I like 4 of them, 2 others are so-so, the rest are not appealing, For those of you who can't find any virtue in or who can't appreciate any of these, or who thinks none of them fit the 'character' or 'spirit' of our community; what exactly might fit the bill? Any suggestions? In fact what exactly is it about the 'character' or 'spirit' of our community that precludes any/all of them from being appropriate?

    I would agree that placing certain sculptures in a roundabout might be distracting to the extent that it becomes a traffic safety hazard. By the way, there is no roundabout currently at Sargent & Crossington.

    (p.s. I'm curious about the tomahawk... I've never seen a tomahawk like that before where the cutting edge is at 90 degrees to the handle; cutting edge is usually parallel, give or take, to the handle)

    Mary Francell-Sharfstein

    I actually like all of them very much and am in favor of their placement in our community.


    While there are a few pieces above that tweak some eye interest, the majority are hugely questionable as far as having any artistic value at all- unless you are ten maybe.
    In the right place there are a few that might be appropriate for placement, but not any where near roundabouts, as someone already said here. Placement would be key.
    The city needs to keep their focus on the important issues though. Adding 'art' and i use the word loosely, should be very low on the list of priorities. All this is an attempt to make it look like they (the city) is actually doing something for the people. Unfortunately this only appeals to small number of people in JC.
    Once the city can figure out how to do something as simple as timing the traffic lights and forget about the stupid U-turn idea, and come up with something that will actually work to address the severe traffic congestion, they should not be thinking about art.

    Auntie M

    I don't think any of them fit Johns Creek...they look like Windward's art. We need so many other things in this city, not art right now.


    What an absolute waste of time and money... fix the traffic light situations that throught Johns Creek are so messed up... traffic is WAY worse now than it has ever been. Case in point the intersection of Old Alabama and Haynes Bridge (Chartwell) what an absolute nightmare now that flashing yellow turn light has been installed... Unfortunately... 99% of people using that do not understand the meaning of the signage that says "yield on flashing light"!!!!!!


    I've asked the city SEVERAL times to tell me what the plan is for getting lights timed properly. I've complained about this for years. I call or email at least once a month, yes to complain. I was hoping to find out what the plan was- what intersections first were to be addressed, and a timeline - start to complete date. I cannot get an answer. I guess there is no plan.
    It's dumbfounding that the city is already in the midst of screwing up the flow of traffic (FURTHER) with road construction at most of the main arteries around the city at the same time; Jones at Abotts (AGAIN), Old Alabama at Medlock, Sergent Road (another roundabout a mile away from the one just finished early this year). This will impact traffic flow at McGinnis and Medlock Bridge. Bell Road has construction projects in three places at the same time, and has been going on, with LITTLE progress, for at least 6 months; near the bridge, then again where Bell turns into Boles (with another roundabout, then a turn lane that took at least months, and now same utility work at the corner of Boles at Abbotts. There are work zones forcing reduced speed of 20mph and non adherence will cost violaters a $500 fine, but THERE IS NO WORK GOING ON, so people have no idea if they should slow or not... I asked if they could at least put black plastic bags over the work zone signs when there is no work planned. I was told no, even thought the project mgr KNEW there was no work, going on and would not be "for awhile", as they were waiting for some kind of permits, already a dead zone for the last month. Soooo ridiculous. These gov employees do not seem to be able to work together and coordinate their efforts as to not impact residents when it can be avoided.

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