• Runoff Questionnaire: Differentiate yourself from your opponent

    By Staff
    November 24, 2015




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    Ms. Dawood,

    Do you know who has been critical to the success of Johns Creek? The residents of Johns Creek.

    Who has made Johns Creek the safest city in Georgia? The residents of Johns Creek

    Who has made the schools in Johns Creek the best? The parents involved with their children, who ALL live in Johns Creek

    They made the area known as Johns Creek a success and are what enabled to City to be successful from the start.

    But please, do tell us. Who are these people that are responsible for our success. I know I want to know.

    Frankly, that statement shows a tremendous amount of arrogance. Johns Creek is not successful because of ANY politician. It has been successful in spite of them.

    Eleven years ago we were still the best place to live in Georgia. We just did not have city limits around us.

    Higgs Boson

    Funny how Dawood talks of “overreaching developers” while she received a campaign contribution from Jay Lin. Lin owns a business described on its website as “a full service design/build contractor specializing in both commercial and residential construction, commercial and residential remodeling, new construction, rehab, and commercial buildout”. The public domain contribution lists are posted on this website.


    Nazeera also received campaign contributions from an apartment developer, who was embroiled in the investigation of the mayor few years back.

    Be the Exception

    I've listened to all the candidates and decided to vote for Stephanie Endres and Chris Coughlin, because they will make for a more balanced council that will use our money more wisely. The city of Johns Creek is a great place and they will make it even better.

    Stephanie Endres and Chris Coughlin have the interests of the community at heart. They showed up at the debates and proved that they have the knowledge of city issues, and beliefs that are in line with the majority of the residents. It will be good to have a full council of 7 members not under the control of a particular group or agenda.


    Let's just hope informed voters show up at the polls to vote for Stephanie and Chris. This election is so important.
    God help us if someone of such questionable character such as Naz Dawood becomes a council member. Not only is she completely unqualified at so many levels; she has also resorted to playing quite dirty> while outright viciously lying. She's even stupid enough to put her lies and slanderous comments about some of the other candidates in print, and then mailing her tacky little postcards all over the city. Proof of what an idiot she is. I hope someone sues her for defamation of character. I know I would.

    Higgs Boson

    Have you seen Dawood’s latest smear flyer? It says Dawood will protect your neighborhood via zoning. Never mind that commercial construction mogul Jay Lin contributed to her campaign. She is so concerned about zoning that she failed to even show up at the JCCA Forum to discuss it. For that matter, Lin didn’t show up either! Endres and the citizen audience that took the time to attend on a weeknight were there. Where was Dawood? Instead, Dawood prefers to hide behind smear flyers. She states “quality versus quantity” in her emails. By that she is admitting she rarely, if ever, attends City Council meetings. Was Dawood present at the City Council meetings she references in her smear flyers? Ask yourself, who is providing Dawood with her false smear tactic information?


    Higgs, you didn't hear Nazeera claim that she attends council meetings by watching the live stream? She is astonishingly uninformed about the matters of the city for an avid council meeting attendee/viewer.

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