• Who is the Real Fiscal Conservative?

    By Staff
    November 29, 2015

    Plethora of Marketing Materials

    Jay Lin spent $53k and that amount is quickly increasing.

    He spent a plethora on yard signs for every 50 feet of curb within the city as well as a variety of printed marketing materials and mailers.

    Two of the mailers were giant doormat sized measuring 12" x 15". Trifold was 17" extended, the remainder were of varying typical sizes.

    Single handout with platform details


    Chris Coughlin has spent $2400. His campaign was to 'challenge the status quo'. By refusing all campaign donations, avoiding robocalls & mailers, he strived for a different approach.

    His goal was to demonstrate real fiscal stewardship, with hard work, sound policy and platform.

    So who is the Real Fiscal Conservative?

    Jay Lin Collecting Campaign Donations


    Chris Coughlin - 1 Man Campaign Team



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    EJ Moosa

    It's certainly a lot easier to support a candidate like you, Chris Coughlin, when you have the right motivations and principles.

    I believe that is why he has spent 1/20th as much on his campaign as his opponent.

    Thank you Mr. Coughlin for showing us that money is not the only way to run a campaign, especially at the local level.

    Thank you JCP for this platform.

    Readers, please visit my facebook page for more info on my campaign.


    Remember to vote TWICE for Coughlin, special election and general election!


    Chris Coughlin has proven to be a candidate that has been forthcoming with his positions, showing up for all debates and answering all questions relevant to Johns Creek. He has proven financially responsible with his campaign spending while not finding himself in the back pocket of corporate entities. He has shown himself as someone who lets his positions speak for his campaign and chooses to not hide his voice behind his campaign signs.

    Johns Creek, if you want a councilman that will be a representative of your interests, is willing to communicate with his community, and will look for positive solutions for the betterment of your city as a whole get out and vote for Chris Coughlin!

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