• VIDEO: Savannah Prosecutor Anthony Burton Fired For Running As 'Law And Order' Candidate To Be An 'Ethical' Judge, As County Descends Into Violence

    By Staff
    April 2, 2022
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    The Goal Of Chatham DA Is To Let Criminals Go

    Anthony Burton is a candidate for Recorder’s Court Judge in Chatham County. He is running on a platform of ‘Law & Order’ & until last Tuesday, had been a Prosecutor for the Chatham County District Attorney’s Office since 2015.

    This Chatham Free Press EXCLUSIVE examines the CHAOS taking place within the D.A.’s office & as a result of electing soft-on-crime Soros backed candidates.

    Violent felons & drug traffickers are being released back on to the streets, overdoses have more than doubled, crime is on the rise, gunshots are a daily occurrence & departures from the District Attorney’s office are up nearly 400%.

    Why is this happening & what can be done about it? TUNE IN & find out NOW!

    We simply need your help to continue bringing the truth…shameless plug for desperately needed donations at this link…



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