• 8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying for Help

    By Staff
    October 23, 2020
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    Our bodies are designed to work in flawless fashion. Everything in our bodies serves a purpose and is supposed to work together in order to keep us healthy. However, sometimes our bodies give us signs that they need help and if ignored, these signs and symptoms can lead to serious health issues.

    8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying for Help

    1. Insomnia, irritability, and leg cramps

    If you are experiencing these symptoms…your body needs magnesium and potassium. To replenish these vital elements, add tomatoes, oranges, bananas, and spinach to your everyday diet. Green leafy vegetables and nuts are some of the best sources of magnesium. You can also take a magnesium supplement but refer to a doctor regarding the dosage before intake

    2. Dry Skin

    The dryness of the skin may signify a lack of vitamin E. Therefore, you should eat more vegetables, oils, nuts, and fish. Many health food stores have wonderful supplements to counteract dry skin as well!

    3. Sweet Tooth

    If you suddenly feel a strong desire to have something sweet, then stress, depression, or exhaustion may be the cause. Your body is asking for glucose. Listen to it! Worried about packing on a few extra pounds…try satisfying your sweet tooth with dark chocolate or honey!

    4. Desire To Eat Ice

    If you find yourself wanting to eat some ice, then you may have anemia — also known as an iron deficiency. The best sources of iron are beef, eggs, and tofu. There are also many protein bars that offer high iron levels and can get you back on track in no time!

    5. Bleeding Gums

    Sudden or constant bleeding of your gums when you brush your teeth is a telltale sign of a vitamin C deficiency. Include the following foods in your diet to correct this: citrus fruits, spinach, green and red bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.

    6. Fragile Nails & Hair

    Your body is telling you that it lacks vitamin B. Drink more milk and dry adding some seaweed and mushrooms to your diet.

    7. Rings Around The Eyes

    Such rings may appear and are more common in people over 50-years-old and that’s normal. However, if it appears in a younger person, then it’s a sign of high cholesterol levels. You should consult a doctor about this and take the appropriate steps to get your cholesterol levels in check! 

    8. Greek Foot

    A Greek foot or a “Morton’s Toe” is a longer second toe on your foot and many that experience ‘Morton’s Toe’ have callusing and/or discomfort on the ball of the foot and at the base of the second toe. There are treatments and methods to correct this.

    This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional.



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