Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta

July 17, 2021
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta

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Patriots in North Atlanta rallied for DC political prisoners today to be released from jail. The rally was part of a nationwide effort by Matt Braynard's LookAheadAmerica.

The event was heavily attended by Asian immigrants who are fearful of a Chinese Communist Party system installed in the United States.

Relatives of DC political prisoners talked to attendees about the harsh conditions and serious charges their loved ones are being subjected to, including being held in solitary confinement for months, being maced by prison guards, and unequal treatment compared to ANTIFA and BLM terrorists who literally burned cities, looted, and killed Americans.

All of those charged for 'insurrection' at the U.S. Capitol were unarmed. There were no weapons found.

Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta
Patriots Rally For DC Political Prisoners In North Atlanta

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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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Bravo to them. What is unacceptable must be demanded to stop, especially from a government..


Interesting to note is the established and documented fact that the bidenfaildemcartel DID NOT arrest and keep imprisoned any of those paid bitter lives don't matter and auntee foo-foo's as they savaged and razed communities and small businesses, all prompted by the weak dems and RINO's via the globalist elite pondskum.

Frank McCarthy

This is long in coming, most Americans are outraged at the crude abuse of our Constitutional rights, imprisoning really peaceful protesters is beyond the pale. The Feds have become monstruous.
Great to photos of patriots in beauteous Marrieta, I miss Atl so much.
These demonstrations need to be expanded everywhere.

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