• Dog Spots Owners At Shelter And Thinks She’s Going Home – But They’re There To Adopt Different Dog

    By Staff
    November 3, 2020
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    Animal lovers know that pets are the ultimate source of love and devotion. Unfortunately, not all pet owners treat their best friends as they deserve. In case the pet does not behave perfectly, some people would rather abandon it instead of offering the same warmth they have received.

    Zuzu, formerly named Princess, a German Shepherd, was two years old when she had a difficult time after the death of her biological father. Therefore, she became “too sad”, whined a lot, and kept trying to escape the home by jumping into her neighbor’s garden.

    One day, she scaled the fence, and this neighbor called the animal shelter.

    The pup was taken away to the Downey Animal Care Center in California, where volunteers believed she was a stray, and named her after the character from ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’.

    One of them said:

    “She is a friendly girl but I sensed sadness and confusion. Most dogs zoom around the yard. She treaded softly, nervous to look around.”

    Yet, one day, they were all surprised by her reaction. A family visited the shelter in search of a dog, and Zuzu suddenly perked up.

    She dashed over to the fence, stuck her nose through the holes, and wagged her tail. The family recognized her too! They were her former owners, who went closer to talk to her and even petted her.

    Unfortunately, they didn’t return to take her home!

    They turned away from Zuzu, gave up on her, because she was “too depressed”, and went to find a new dog.


    The family did not find the breed they wanted, so they left the shelter without a new dog.

    However, Zuzu was loved at the shelter. They knew that plenty of patient and loving people out there would be honored to have her at their home!

    Desi, a longtime volunteer at the shelter, posted a video to share Zuzu’s story with the rest of the world, and to help her find “ the perfect home”.

    Thousands of people re-shared it and expressed their outrage in the comments. Fortunately, Zuzu was taken by a rescue organization that promised to help her find an “exceptional” forever home.

    Diana Edwards Boucher, who volunteers with Pet Adoption Fund, said that they “had so many inquiries about her” after the story got out.

    And she did find her wonderful life!

    She was eventually adopted by Russ and Judith Gallo, a happy couple that already had a dog named Dodger. Since their other dog passed away, Zuzu was a great option to get a new buddy!

    As the two dogs hit it off when they first met outside the family’s home in Los Angeles, the couple knew they found the perfect match!

    Russ said: “It broke my heart to see that they had to interest in her.”

    Judith added: “Something just kind of told us, hey, we got to do something here.”

    We are so happy for all of you!





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