• Georgia GOP Is Short A Tusk Based On Latest Rasmussen Poll - Grassroots Gets It, Why Doesn't Gov And Legislature?

    By Staff
    September 14, 2023

    Kemp quick to point fingers but he seems to be the problem.

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    Rasmussen's latest Georgia poll, highlights some glaring problems.

    56% of voters in Georgia know that Trumps prosecution by Fani Willis is because of politics.

    53% of Georgia want GA legislature to stop Fani Willis from prosecuting Trump.

    51% want Fani Willis to face an investigation.

    A whopping 62% believe the 2020 election was rigged.

    55% are concerned that cheating will happen in the 2024 election.

    Every one of these contradicts Brian Kemp's positions and/or statements on the these subjects.

    Meanwhile most legislators are avoiding discussion of Fani Willis' bizarre indictments, many simply saying "We don't have the votes."

    Citizens across Georgia say they hear this and ask why these same legislators aren't speaking out, taking a position and working to GET the votes?

    In many cases House Reps and Senators are now reportedly avoiding appearing in front of their constituents for fear of having just such questions posed in an open forum. Where they are appearing questions are often pre-selected in writing before the event and not accepted live those in attendance.

    Many say that legislators have a tough surprise coming as they prepare to seek re-electioon. The public's memory has become quite acute and the response (or lack of response) from elected officials will be remembered and, in many cases, deemed to be abdication of their responsibility to their constituents.

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    Exactly, corrupt dictator kemp is the problem. He could care less what the people say. And you're right I can't get my " representatives to answer my calls, return my calls or return my emails. The Georgia government is corrupt from the very top down.

    You gonna eat that?

    Try asking the DC elites the same questions and you'll get the same response, nothing. My republican representatives in congress won't give answers to a myriad of questions. From Ukraine to the election fraud it's crickets. Ignoring the issues won't make them go away and accepting the narrative isn't the solution.


    Stay on them!

    Smarg Jones

    White Georgians had better start fighting of else they will be indicted by black grand juries for slavery roots.

    Alphonso Gotnojoy

    Dispatch from the Georgia GOP front - the whole game here is rigged. The grass roots folks have no chance to change anything. The reason why the election rig in 2020 was pulled off so successfully is that the GAGOPe has lots of practice rigging elections, including state convention elections. Been there, seen it first hand.

    Last edited 1 year ago by Alphonso Gotnojoy

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