Voter Guide: Nazeera Dawood

October 30, 2015

Here is the 2015 Election Voter Guide for Nazeera Dawood. Nazeera Dawood has branded herself a "Coalition Expert".

Campaign #teamnazeera tagline is "Bringing the Spirit of Togetherness".

Nazeera is a Health Promotions Manager. She works in the Fulton County Government Offices, where early voting is conducted for 3 weeks prior, and yet chose Not to vote in the last 4 elections, despite the convenience. Her last vote was 5/20/14 (She skipped 7/23/14, 11/4/14, 1/6/15 & 2/3/15).

Nazeera Dawood Campaign Donations submitted 6/30/15 & 10/26/15:

  • 61 donors
  • 48 live outside Johns Creek
  • 11 are Johns Creek Voters



*Updated to correct spelling

Sources: City of Johns Creek & Fulton County Voter Registration List 8/2015



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The Georgia Record was relaunched in June of 2021 and has been extremely successful fighting corruption in the state named after King George of England. The original paper was started in 1899 and published into the early 20th century. In 2020, CDM (Creative Destruction Media) acquired Johns Creek Post and brought back The Georgia Record to better represent the state rather than just Johns Creek News.

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5 comments on “Voter Guide: Nazeera Dawood”

  1. Nazeera Dawood is a Health Promotions Manager for Fulton County and has the gall to accept a $1000 campaign contribution from an E-cigarette business!!! That's awful!

    We can do better than that! Vote for Stephanie Endres or Carlos Carbonell who self-fund their campaigns and don't sell their souls!

  2. What do BIG donors Mike Kenn($2K) and Tim Gunn($2K) of the Cauley Creek Water Reclamation controversy expect out of their "investment" from "Bodker Puppet" Dawood?

    AJC: **Either option likely would involve spending millions of dollars for a plant Fulton officials have said they don’t need.

    “[Green] has a huge financial stake in this thing,” Pitts said. “Five commissioners sided with the taxpayers.”

    But the commission now has several newly members. Two of them, Bob Ellis and Lee Morris, said they may take a fresh look at the issue. Morris said he’s met with Green to discuss the issue.AJC: "Green has employed former County Commission Chairman Mike Kenn as a consultant to help make his case. Kenn told the AJC that Cauley Creek is needed to ensure the county doesn’t endure another sewer moratorium."**

    AJC: **Green has employed former County Commission Chairman Mike Kenn as a consultant to help make his case. Kenn told the AJC that Cauley Creek is needed to ensure the county doesn’t endure another sewer moratorium.**

    Fulton Property Records:

    1. Wow! Bodker needs the Cauley creek reclamation reopened to build his district. Sniff sniff follow the money and it leads to a sewage plant. How dirty. Vote for Stephanie!

  3. There must be a reason why Republicans like Lynne Riley, Bodker and Kenn support a candidate like Nazeera, who has so many connections to extreme liberal organizations. I will vote for the honest conservative Stephanie Endres.

  4. Lynne Riley should be feeling a little embarrassed about endorsing a candidate such as Nazeera Dawood given all that we have learned about her. Maybe Lynne should have checked if Nazeera had ever attended any city council meetings and shown an interest in city govt.? Whatever reasons Lynne had for promoting such a candidate, we don't appreciate it.

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